• Phone: 02425-259335
  • Email: principal@amrutpharm.co.in
Amrut Pharm



✽ PPT Presentation

Dental Care Cosmetics

How to Write Research Paper

✽ Students certification programs and internships

1. List of Add-onCertificate programs

2. Number of students completed the certificate programs

3. Certificates of add-on programs

4. Intenship certificates

5. Project completion certificates

✽ B.Pharm Course Outcome

✽ B.Pharm CO-PO Mapping

✽ M.Pharm Course Outcome

✽ M.Pharm CO-PO Mapping

✽ Programme Outcomes

✽ Internal & External Examination Mechanism

✽ Average Pass Percent of Last five years


The college has a yearly subscription of English-EWL-software to carry out communication skill practicals. The college has subscribed academic software’s Ex-pharm to perform the pharmacology practical. The college library has subscriptions of E-Journals, DELNET, K-HUB, National digital library of India, shodhgangotri etc. The library of the college is well equipped with required ICT facilities so students will use the library facility with fewer hurdles. In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the college has further upgraded its ICT facility by subscribing to online education platforms like Microsoft teams and Zoom meeting. In the same era the college also upgraded the online academic sessions by purchasing webcams and USB notepads. The college classrooms, seminar rooms and auditorium are well equipped with ICT facilities like LCD projectors, internet connections and laptops. During seminar presentations students are freely allowed to use the above ICT facilities. The college Wi-Fi facility is constantly used students. Apart from that, college purchased the USB dongles can be used during internet cutoff in certain situations. The display is available in computer laboratory and library showing the availability online resources.

✽ Software Type:- Application Software

English-EWL-software All Maze Video Tracking Software US FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Spray Drier software
Opus IR Software UV Probe 2.1 UV Win 5.0
Open Lab Controller HPLC Software Data Acquisition HPLC Software Motic Image Plus 3.0 for Windows